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Who are my clients?


                      You are!

Do you have an "alternative lifestyle"?


As a minister it is my duty to make sure that those who enter into marriage (or a facsimile thereof) do so honestly and advisedly. I am proud to preside over any ceremony honoring a sincerely loving and equal union between freely and soberly consenting adults. Please contact me with questions.

Are you mixed-faith?


I have no stipulations about conversion. Your ceremony can be as religious or secular, as single faith or interfaith, as you desire. Readings, prayers, and rituals from any source can be included and adapted as you see fit. And if you have concerns about offending or alienating your guests, I will help you negotiate and adapt your ceremony to be as inclusive as possible without losing its meaningfulness.

I've known I wanted to be a wedding minister since I was 15 years old. Nothing captures my interest and imagination quite like designing a wedding ceremony.


There have been many social and geo-political developments since that day when I first began to dream of a wedding ministry. More than ever before, people of all faiths and backgrounds are coming together in love. The LGBT+ community has become more accepted by the mainstream population, but still stringently rejected by many "traditional" institutions. With this changing global awareness comes questions and concerns about rites that are steeped in distinct cultural and religious traditions, such as weddings.


Many people who have interfaith, intercultural, same-sex, and otherwise non-mainstream relationships are concerned that they must choose a de-personalized courthouse ceremony,  go along with whatever wedding ceremony is offered at a local house of worship, or not have a ceremony at all.


This is not so! Nor should it be. Moreso than your colors, catering, and wedding clothing, the ceremony is the greatest chance for you to show off your tastes, beliefs, and backgrounds. As the centerpiece of your wedding, the ceremony should be where you tell the world who you are as partners and as individuals.


As a minister I am dedicated to making each wedding a true reflection of the people being married. Each wedding I plan is distinctive, since rather than foist a wedding format onto my clients, I am a co-creator, leading them through the process of designing their own, unique ceremony that caters to THEIR wedding needs. After all, it's YOUR day...why not truly make it all about you?




Are you mixed-race?


It's normal for one or both families to worry that their cultural heritage is going to be swallowed up by the others'. But with me as your minister, an Iranian sofreh can be concluded with an Irish wedding blessing; an African-American/Jewish couple can jump the broom and crush the glass at the same time. You are the descendants of a proud heritage...let me help you honor that!

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